Myths about licensing for music advertising

Selling or buying music is something that you can consider. There are many reasons why you need to consider. Especially if you want to make a career out of music.

However, there are so many myths about licensing for music advertising and other aspects of music licensing companies, that many don’t even consider this option. This is why you need to make sure that you know the most common myths and misconceptions about selling or buying music rights. These are just some of these misconceptions and myths about music licensing.  

You can’t make money with selling licensing for music advertising

This is one of the biggest myths about this music industry. That you won’t be able to make any money from selling music licenses or selling your music to a music company. They claim that this is because of the music licensing terms that are stopping people from making money. 

However, this isn’t the truth at all. In fact, the terms are there for your protection to ensure that you are making as much money as possible. This is a myth that is causing people not to consider this type of music career. They are afraid that they won’t be able to make enough money to make a living. However, if you have good music, you will make money for sure. 

This is only for famous musicians 

Another huge misconception is that this type of music career is only for the famous musicians that everyone knows. Those that are always selling their music licensing for tv. The only reason why you might think this is true is that you might recognize their music.

But, if you are listening to all the advertisements, and to all the movies, series, and every song you hear on television, you will hear that many of them aren’t recognizable.  This is because this is music from people that aren’t famous. Anyone with talent can start selling their music to a licensing company and start making a career out of it. 

When your music is being used, you don’t have any say about it

This is a problem that many musicians have.  That the moment that you are selling your music to a music company, that you don’t have any say in your music anymore. Or, when you are selling a license of your music, that they have full control over your music.

A myth that is causing a lot of problems in the industry. Companies like San Francisco music company are getting your permission for each license that they are selling. And, if you aren’t satisfied with their terms and conditions you can recline the application. You still have a say about your songs and what it is getting used for. 

It’s too complicated to sell your music to a music licensing company

It’s too complicated and a frustrating process to sell your music to a licensing company. Meaning that you will rather leave it and do something completely else. Then to try and see if you can make a success out of your music. This is how so many are feeling. And, this is a huge mistake.


Only the big brand companies are going to guarantee success 

There are many San Francisco music companies out there. And, only if you get a deal with the largest and big-brand companies, that you are going to have success. However, this isn’t the truth. 

You just need to make sure that you are signing with a company that is trustworthy and that has a good track record. 

The moment that you know all these myths, you will know for sure that this is something that you can make a career out of. And, that you are going to be successful.  Anyone with talent can sell music licensing for music advertising and make a lot of money with it. You just need to believe in yourself and stop listening to myths. 

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