Should you buy or write your music when you are making an advertisement? This is a question that many advertisers are asking.

Many are buying music licenses after reading the music licensing terms. While others are rather hiring someone to write unique music that they own themselves for the advertisement. But, what is the best option? In order to know what is the better option, you need to know and consider these pros and cons.

Pro: You can legally buy any music license for a specific reason

It doesn’t matter why you need the music, you can basically buy any type of music license. One of the most popular licenses is the music license for TV. Meaning that people are buying the music license to play in a movie, a series, or even for an advertisement.

Even, if you are working in a radio station, you can buy the rights to a large number of songs, so that you can play them from the radio legally.

Con: You can only use the music for the rights you have purchased

This can be a huge problem. You can only use the music for the right you have purchased. For example, if you have purchased the rights for a movie, you can’t use the song to advertise the movie on television or the radio. Then, you need to apply for the music license for advertisements as well as for TV as well.

And, you need to make sure that you never break the rules and regulations for a certain license. It can cause you to pay a high fine. The good news is that you can buy more than one right to a specific song.

Pro. Anyone that makes music can sell the rights to a music company

If you make music and write your own music, you can sell the rights to any music company. However, you just need to make sure that you read all the Music licensing terms beforehand. This is so that you can know for sure that you will always get a percentage of a song’s rights that they have sold.

Musicians can make a lot of money if they are selling the rights of many songs to a music company. But, this is only if you are doing your homework and making sure that you are using the right, trustworthy music company you can find.

Con: People might associate your music with the one song that is playing in an advertisement

One of the huge negative things about selling music licensing for TV is if the advertisement is a huge success. Yes, they are going to hear your song all the time, and might even buy the song for their playlist. However, they will always associate you with the advertisement. Meaning that they will not know that you might have other, much better songs out there that they can buy.

And, if the advertisement is going against you believes, you can’t do anything about it. The advertisement has purchased the rights and uses them according to the rules and regulations. You don’t have a say in the type of atmosphere or genre that they are playing the music.

Pro. It’s much cheaper to buy rights than to hire someone to write music for you

If you need Licensing for music advertising, you have a choice of two things. You can buy the rights of the music from a music company, and don’t pay too high fees. Or, you can hire a musician and let them write a unique piece for you. But, this is going to be expensive and you might not have enough money in your budget for it. By buying the music rights, you can use the music you need without paying too much for it.

These are the pros and cons of music licensing terms. Making it easier to decide if you want to buy music rights or not. The one thing that you should always remember, is to know what the terms and conditions are before you decide if you want to buy the rights. Otherwise, you might use the music wrong and illegally, and this can get you in some serious trouble.